CURSO 2021-2022
Welcome to our online English lessons.
Welcome to London!!!
Here you are 16 famous places to visits in London.
1. Hyde park.
A beautiful park to relax.
2. Buckingham palace.
3. Oxford Street.
A famous and busy shopping street.
4. Trafalgar Square.
People meet here for festivities.
5. British Museum.
You can see ancient mummies from old Egypt.
6. Natural Science museum.
7. London Eye.
Enormous wheel next to the river Thames.
You can see the city from the high.
8. Madame Tussaud's museum.
Most famous people has got a statue here.
9. Houses of Parliament.
10. Big Ben Tower.
It's next to the river Thames.
11. Millennium bridge.
Pedestrian bridge.
It connects the Tate Art Gallery to Saint Paul's cathedral.
12. Tower bridge.
When a big ship goes under it then the bridge goes up.
13. Tower of London.
Very old castle.
It was a prison in the past and place of execution.
14. Portobello Road market.
Famous market street.
15. Piccadilly circus underground station.
16. St. Paul's cathedral.
CURSO 2020-2021
FEBRUARY. Wednesday, 10th and Thursday 11th
Good afternoon, children. We finish this week with the activity book, pages 26, 27, 28 and 26.
(para terminar esta semana trabajamos en el activity-book)
Activity 6. Click here to listen.
Activity 8. Click here to listen.
Activity 11. Click here to listen.
You can check your work here.
( Corrige tú mism@)
FEBRUARY, Monday 8th, Tuesday 9th.
Good afternoon, children.
This week we study about money.
Read the information on your pupil's book, page 30.
1. Reorder these sentences.
2. You can check here.
3. Text to complete.
4. You can check here.
FEBRUARY, Tuesday 2nd, Wednesday 3rd,Thursday 4th
Good afternoon, children.
1. Copy and translate these sentences on your notebook looking at the story and dialogues.
(Copia y traduce las siguientes frases en tu cuaderno ayudándote del libro)
1. ¿Cuánto dinero tienes?
2. Tengo cinco libras con ochenta.
3. Vamos a entrar en el quiosco.
4. ¿Puedes darme unos caramelos, por favor?
5. Aquí tienes. ¿Quieres algo más?
6. Sí, ¿puedes darme unos chicles?
7. Lo siento, no tengo chicles pero tengo unas gominolas deliciosas.
8. Vale.¿Cuánto es?
9. Son ochenta peniques.
10. Aqui tienes. Gracias. Adiós.
Now you can check here.
((puedes corregir tú mism@)
2. Listen to the information about € L y $ on page 30.
(Escucha atentamente la información sobre euros libras y dólares)
3. Read it in a loud voice.
(Leerlo en voz alta un par de veces)
4. Copy and study the new words:
(Copia en tu cuaderno las siguientes palabras y expresiones nuevas para entender bien la información MONEY)
Currency= moneda oficial
countries= países
common side= lado en común
the same in all the countries= lo mismo en todos los países
banknotes= notes=billetes
coins= monedas
design= diseño, dibujo
dark line= linea oscura
metallic thread= hebra metálica
it means= significa
the same size= del mismo tamaño
cotton and linen= algodón y lino
washing machine= lavadora
mistake= error
you can iron them= puedes plancharlos
as good as new= tan bien como nuevos.
Great work!!
FEBRUARY. Monday 1st
Good afternoon children.
Here you are the English lesson for today.
(Este es el trabajo de inglés de esta primera semana de febrero.
Hoy lunes hemos hecho lo siguiente.).
1. Listen to the song and sing again. (page 25)
(Vuelve a escuchar y cantar la canción)
2. Listen to the story again. ( pages 26 and 27)
(Vuelve a escuchar y leer la historieta "the cheese race" para recordarla).
3.Read "A DOG'S DAY" (page 28)
(Lee la historieta de Scotty y Yorkie)
4 Worksheet. Reorder the story.
(Ficha para poner en orden las frases de la historieta)
5. Read the prices on page 28.
(Lee y observa los precios)
Copy some prices on your notebook.
Copia los siguientes precios en tu cuaderno)
Monday, February 1st 2021
1. oranges L3.50 (three pounds fifty)
2. bananas L1.65 (one pound sixty-five)
3. nuts(nueces) L5.00 (five pounds)
4. lemons 95p (ninety-five pence)
5. apples L2.45 (two pounds forty-five)
6. a pineapple L6.20 (six pounds twenty)
JANUARY. MONDAY 25th / Friday 29th
Good afternoon, children.
Here you are the English lessons for this week.
(Buenas tardes, aquí tenéis las sesiones de inglés de esta semana)
1. We start unit 5 "THE TOWN FAIR" (la feria)
Pupil's book page 25.
Listen to the song and sing. CLICK HERE
2.Copy the song in your notebook.
3. Study the new words: cheese, a pie, bread, crisps, jam, sweets, biscuits, a pineapple, lemonade and strawberries.
(Empezamos el tema 4:escucha y copia la canción. Estudia el vocabulario)
4. Listen to the story and read ( page 26 and 27)
5. Copy and translate these sentences in your notetbook.
(copia y traduce las siguientes frases en tu cuaderno con la ayuda de la historieta)
1. ¿Cuánto cuesta el pastel de manzana?
Son tres libras con cincuenta.
2. ¿Puedes darme un paquete de patatas fritas, por favor?
Son ochenta peniques
3. ¡¡Cuidado!! Viene hacia aqui.
4. Vamos a dar una vuelta. quiero ganar un premio en la feria.
5. ¿Qué puedes ver en la bola de cristal?
Puedo ver el cuadro de una chica. Vamos.
6. You can check the sentences here.
(Puedes corregir tú mism@)
7. Listen to a shopping dialogue (page 28)
Copy it down in your notebook.
(Escucha, lee, copia y practica el diálogo)
8. Finally here is the summary of the story. You have to read and complete.
Por último el resumen de la historieta para leer y completar.
Here is the summary to check.
(Puedes corregirlo aqui)
Congratulations children for your excellent work.
We arrived to the end of this difficult school term.
Thank you families for your help and collaboration.
I suppose you are happy, me too!!
Have a nice summer holiday and we can start again in
(Enhorabuena chic@s por haber trabajado tan bien en este difícil trimestre que ya llegó a su fin. Muchas gracias a las familias por vuestra ayuda y colaboración.
Supongo que estaréis contentos, yo sí.
Espero que tengáis unas vacaciones estupendas y nos veremos en Septiembre).
ENTRADA 35. Thursday, June 18th / Friday, June 19th 2020
Good morning children!
Welcome to our last lesson.
1. Today you are going to work in three exercises from the activity- book. PAGE 57.
(Hoy vamos a hacer una página del activity-book con tres ejercicios)
Click here to listen to activity 11.
(Este es el audio del ejercicio 11)
2. Now you can check here your answers.
(Puedes comprobar si lo has hecho bien).
ENTRADA 34. Wednesday, June 17th 2020
Good morning. Welcome to our English lesson.
1. Today you are going to do a test.
There are three exercises.
(Hoy vamos a hacer un test de tres ejercicios)
(Primero imprime o copia los ejercicios, luego escucha y haz lo que hay escrito en cada uno).
EXERCISE ONE. Listen here. Write here.
EXERCISE TWO. Listen here. Write here.
EXERCISE THREE. Listen here. Write here.
2. Now you send me the work.
ENTRADA 34. Monday, June 15th 2020
Welcome to our English lesson.
1. Today you are going to work on a very easy page
from your activity-book. PAGE 54.
(Hoy vamos a hacer una página muy fácil).
2. You can check your answers.
ENTRADA 33. Thursday, June 11th / Friday, June 12th 2020
Good morning children.
Welcome to our last lesson this week.
1. First you are going to listen to a dialogue.
It's on your pupil's book , page 54.
Click here to listen.
(Las niñas hablan del aula de informática donde tienen el club del periódico escolar. Dentro, sus compañer@s están trabajando en parejas)
2. Now look at the yellow grammar square.
(Observa el cuadro amarillo)
(Vamos a practicar únicamente con el pronombre THEY= ell@s)
They are using their laptops.
They aren't writing e-mails.
Are they looking for information?
Yes, they are / no, they aren't
2. Time to practice.
click here.
3. When you finish you can check here.
(Cuando termines comprueba tú mism@)
ENTRADA 32. Wednesday, June 10th 2020
Good morning children. How are you today?
Are you ready to work? YES!!!!
OK, let's practice some English.
1. Today you are going to watch a video.
But, first look at these new words.
Hoy vemos un video pero antes
(lee el significado de las palabras nuevas)
2. And then answer the questions.
(responde a las preguntas)
Click here
(Si quieres repetirlo para mejorar tu nota puedes hacer click en el botón derecho de tu ordenador y volver a cargar)
3. Send to me.
(Haz click en al opción enviar a mi profesora)
ENTRADA 31. Monday, June 8th 2020
Good morning, Children.
Welcome to our English lesson.
1. Today we study the final episode of the book.
The police finally catch Victor Virus.
(Hoy estudiaremos el último episodio.
Por fin atrapan a Victo.r Virus)
Look, listen and read the story
page 52 and page 53.
click here to listen
2. Now repeat each sentence in a loud voice.
(Repita cada frase en voz alta después de escucharla
parando el audio poco a poco)
3. Now here's a summary.
You have to use the words in bold to complete it.
(Completa el resumen con las palabras que faltan.
Las tienes al final de la ficha, en negrita)
click here
4. Finally you can check here.
Don't cheat!!
(Aquí puedes comprobar cómo lo has hecho, ¡sin trampas!)
Great work!!
ENTRADA 30. Thursday, June 4th / Friday, June 5th Good morning children.
Welcome to our last lesson this week.
1. First you are going to listen to a dialogue.
It's on your pupil's book , page 54.
Click here to listen.
(Las niñas hablan del aula de informática donde tienen el club del periódico escolar. Dentro, sus compañer@s están trabajando en parejas)
2. Now look at the yellow grammar square.
(Observa el cuadro amarillo)
(Vamos a practicar únicamente con el pronombre THEY= ell@s)
They are using their laptops.
They aren't writing e-mails.
Are they looking for information?
Yes, they are / no, they aren't
2. Time to practice.
click here.
3. When you finish you can check here.
(Cuando termines comprueba tú mism@)
ENTRADA 32. Wednesday, June 10th 2020
Good morning children. How are you today?
Are you ready to work? YES!!!!
OK, let's practice some English.
1. Today you are going to watch a video.
But, first look at these new words.
Hoy vemos un video pero antes
(lee el significado de las palabras nuevas)
hoovering= pasando del aspirador.
weird= extraño, raro.
often=a menudo, con frecuencia.
about to arrive= a punto de llegar.
busy=ocupado, atareado.
don't mind= no importa.
can't stand= no puede soportar.
2. And then answer the questions.
(responde a las preguntas)
Click here
(Si quieres repetirlo para mejorar tu nota puedes hacer click en el botón derecho de tu ordenador y volver a cargar)
3. Send to me.
(Haz click en al opción enviar a mi profesora)
ENTRADA 31. Monday, June 8th 2020
Good morning, Children.
Welcome to our English lesson.
1. Today we study the final episode of the book.
The police finally catch Victor Virus.
(Hoy estudiaremos el último episodio.
Por fin atrapan a Victo.r Virus)
Look, listen and read the story
page 52 and page 53.
click here to listen
2. Now repeat each sentence in a loud voice.
(Repita cada frase en voz alta después de escucharla
parando el audio poco a poco)
3. Now here's a summary.
You have to use the words in bold to complete it.
(Completa el resumen con las palabras que faltan.
Las tienes al final de la ficha, en negrita)
click here
4. Finally you can check here.
Don't cheat!!
(Aquí puedes comprobar cómo lo has hecho, ¡sin trampas!)
Great work!!
Good morning , children.
Here we are with a new unit: "TECHNOLOGY"
1.First, look at the new vocabulary.
pupil's book, page 51
2. Then cut out the flash cards on page 79.
Copy the vocabulary on the cards.
You can colour them.
(Recorta las tarjetas de vocabulario y anota en cada ficha las palabras nuevas).
Copy the vocabulary on the cards.
You can colour them.
(Recorta las tarjetas de vocabulario y anota en cada ficha las palabras nuevas).
ENTRADA 29. Wednesday, June 3rd 2020
Good morning, children. Welcome to our English lesson.
1. Today you are going to practice with an interactive worksheet.
(Hoy toca una ficha interactiva).
(Hoy toca una ficha interactiva).
You don't have to send it to me.
Just check your answers.
(No es necesario que me envies la ficha,
sólo haz click en "comprobar mis respuestas".
Si sale mal puedes repetir haciendo click en el botón derecho del ordenador y volver a cargar)
ENTRADA 28. Monday, June 1st 2020
Hello, children. Let's go with some English.
1. Today's lesson is a revision page from your activity book.
You have to send this page for me to check.
(Esta página la reviso personalmente así que hacerle una foto para enviar, ok?)
ACTIVITY 1. Listen and colour the floor.
(sombrea el piso que se escucha en cada edificio)
ACTIVITY 2. True/ False
sentences 1, 2, 3 for the living-room
sentences 4, 5 for the bathroom
sentences 6,7,8 for the kitchen
ACTIVITY 3.Correct the sentences.
(corrige las cuatro frases falsas que hay en el ejercicio anterior).
ACTIVITY 2. True/ False
sentences 1, 2, 3 for the living-room
sentences 4, 5 for the bathroom
sentences 6,7,8 for the kitchen
ACTIVITY 3.Correct the sentences.
(corrige las cuatro frases falsas que hay en el ejercicio anterior).
ENTRADA 27. Thursday, May 28th/ Friday,May 29th
Good morning, children. Welcome to a new English lesson.
Today you are going to work on your activity book.
And you send me a photo.
And you send me a photo.
(Hoy tocan dos páginas del activity book que tenéis que enviarme para que yo las revise)
1. PAGE 50.
ACTIVITY 10: Match the three parts of the sentences and use the colours.
ACTIVITY 11: Complete the dialogue. Listen here.
ACTIVITY 12: Write about a room.
When you finish you can check here.
(Cuando la termines revisa aquí).
2. PAGE 51.
ACTIVITY 13. Write the floors (ordinal numbers)
ACTIVITY 14:Complete the sentences.
ACTIVITY 15. Write sentences: Where do your friends live?
(Dónde viven tus amigos?)
When you finish you can check here.
ENTRADA 26. Wednesday, May 27th 20202. PAGE 51.
ACTIVITY 13. Write the floors (ordinal numbers)
ACTIVITY 14:Complete the sentences.
ACTIVITY 15. Write sentences: Where do your friends live?
(Dónde viven tus amigos?)
When you finish you can check here.
Good morning, children. How are your today?
I hope you are happy to finish May.
(¿Contentos de ir acabando las clases del mes de mayo?)
1. First let's check the sentences about Warwick castle.
(Comprueba las frase de la clase anterior)
(Comprueba las frase de la clase anterior)
2.Now, let's go with our activity-book, page 49
Activity 8. Listen and tick or cross. Click here.
3. Finally CHECK HERE
(observa las soluciones)
ENTRADA 25. Monday, May 25th 2020Activity 8. Listen and tick or cross. Click here.
3. Finally CHECK HERE
(observa las soluciones)
Hello, everyone. Welcome to our Monday English lesson.
Today you are going to "visit" a real castle in the UK.
But first, let's check the dialogue on Scotty's house.
How is it? OK?
(¿Qué tal habéis ordenado el diálogo de Scotty?
Presume de casa, pero ...vive en el jardín. It's a dog!!!)
Click here.
But first, let's check the dialogue on Scotty's house.
How is it? OK?
(¿Qué tal habéis ordenado el diálogo de Scotty?
Presume de casa, pero ...vive en el jardín. It's a dog!!!)
Click here.
1. Time for something new, watch this video.
This is Warwick castle. A beautiful place to visit in the UK.
2. Now you have lots of information about it on your pupil's book. Page 50.
READ AND LISTEN. Click here.
3. Now it's your turn to read in a loud voice.
(Lee en voz alta repitiendo cada frase después del audio.Ve haciendo pausas).
4. Finally, it's time to write a few sentences. Find these sentences on your book and translate them.
( Y ahora buscar las siguientes frases en la página y copiarlas en inglés en tu cuaderno).
2. Now you have lots of information about it on your pupil's book. Page 50.
READ AND LISTEN. Click here.
3. Now it's your turn to read in a loud voice.
(Lee en voz alta repitiendo cada frase después del audio.Ve haciendo pausas).
4. Finally, it's time to write a few sentences. Find these sentences on your book and translate them.
( Y ahora buscar las siguientes frases en la página y copiarlas en inglés en tu cuaderno).
1. Esta es la entrada a las mazmorras (calabozos).
2. Puedes alquilar el gran salón para tu fiesta de cumpleaños.
3. Guys tower (la torre del vigía) tiene doce lados.
4. Hay una gran chimenea en el salón azul.
5. Hay una cama con dosel (cuatro postes) en la habitación de la reina Anna.
ENTRADA 24. Thursday, May 21st / Friday, May 22nd 2020
Good morning, children.
Here we go with our last lesson this week.
(Vamos a por la última clase de esta semana)
1. Do you want to listen to "A DOG'S DAY?". Yes!!
Look at the comic on page 49.
Listen carefully. Click here.
And repeat to understand better.
(Escucha un par de veces para entenderlo mejor)
2. Time to work. You are going to read the story on a page, but it's not in order.
(Vais a leer la historieta en una ficha, pero no está en orden)
What do we do? REORDER!!
You must copy the page, and then listen again to write the numbers on the left.
(Tenéis que copiar la historieta desordenada primero ¡con tranquilidad y buena letra!
y luego poner los números a la vez que lo volvéis a escuchar)
y luego poner los números a la vez que lo volvéis a escuchar)
ENTRADA 23. Wednesday, May 20th 2020
Hello, everybody. Welcome to our English lesson.
Click here to listen and practice.
(Practica el rap dos o tres veces)
2. Now you copy the rap on your notebook and draw the flats with the floors.
(Copiar el rap en el cuaderno y decorarlo con el edificio de pisos)
Ground floor, first floor, second floor, third floor, fourth floor and fifth floor.
Where do you live?
I live up there.
Come on!
Let's take the stairs.
ENTRADA 22. Monday, May 18th 2020
Good morning, children. Today it's Monday!!
But, we are in the third week of May, so
everything will be right!!
(Hoy lunes, pufff. ¡Pero ya estamos en la tercera semana de mayo! Todo va a salir bien, ánimo).
1. First you listen to a dialogue about "a dream house". It's on your pupil's book, page 48.
Click here to listen.
ENTRADA 21. Thursday, May 14th / Friday, May 15th 20201. First you listen to a dialogue about "a dream house". It's on your pupil's book, page 48.
Click here to listen.
Escucha el diálogo entre dos niños, exagerando un poco sobre la casa de sus sueños).
2. You can see some questions and negative sentences with there is/ there are.
(Observa las frases negativas y las preguntas)
There is a fridge in the kitchen.
There isn't a sofa in the living-room.
Is there a fireplace? No, there isn't.
There are one hundred cupboards.
(¡hay cien armarios de cocina!)
There aren't any armchairs.
(no hay sillones)
Are there any beds? Yes, there are.
(¿Hay camas?Sí.)
3. Finally you practice the dialogue and copy it down on your notebook.
There is a fridge in the kitchen.
There isn't a sofa in the living-room.
Is there a fireplace? No, there isn't.
There are one hundred cupboards.
(¡hay cien armarios de cocina!)
There aren't any armchairs.
(no hay sillones)
Are there any beds? Yes, there are.
(¿Hay camas?Sí.)
3. Finally you practice the dialogue and copy it down on your notebook.
( Practica el diálogo en voz alta y cópialo en tu cuaderno)
Your house is huge. How many bedrooms are there?
There are twenty bedrooms and there is an enormous living-room.
Hello, children. Welcome to our last English lesson this week.
1. Today we are going to work in the activity book. Page 48
For the activity 6 PHONICS click here to listen.
2. Finished? Yes? Ok. Now it's time to check.
Click here.
3. And if you want some extra, here's an easy video to watch. Good luck!
For the activity 6 PHONICS click here to listen.
2. Finished? Yes? Ok. Now it's time to check.
Click here.
3. And if you want some extra, here's an easy video to watch. Good luck!
ENTRADA 20. Wednesday, May 13th 2020.
Good morning. Welcome to our English lesson.
Today we are going to practice a bit more the story about "The ghost in the castle".
(Hoy vamos a trabajar un poco más con la historieta).
1. First, listen again carefully with your book open.CD 5
(Primero la volvemos a escuchar atentamente con el libro abierto).
2. Now you copy some sentences on your notebook. Click here.
(Copia las siguientes frases en tu cuaderno)
(Copia las siguientes frases en tu cuaderno)
3.Then you repeat the listening (with no book) and at the same time you have to read the sentences and write "who said?"next to it.
(Repite el audio pero con el libro cerrado y mientras que lo escuchas lee las frases que acabas de copiar y apunta al lado quien dijo esa frase)
ENTRADA 19. Monday, May 11th 2020
Good morning, children. How are you today?
Today you are going to listen to a story about a haunted castle. But first....
(Hoy vais a escuchar una historia sobre un castillo encantado pero primero corregimos las frases del día anterior).
1. Check your sentences about "THERE IS /THERE ARE (II) CLICK HERE.(Hoy vais a escuchar una historia sobre un castillo encantado pero primero corregimos las frases del día anterior).
2. Now open your pupil's book on page 46 and page 47. Listen to the story. CD 5
3. It's time to do an exercise. Here's a summary of the story but's not in the right order!!!
(Es hora de hacer un ejercicio. Tengo el resumen, pero las frases no están en orden!! click here.
4. Finally, you can check the exercise. Click here.
Cuando esté bien revisado y ordenado copiarlo en vuestro cuaderno con buena letra, fecha... título...)
ENTRADA 18. Thursday, May 7th/ Friday, May 8th 2020
Good morning. Welcome to the last lesson this week. I hope you can follow the lessons perfectly. It seems so.
(Espero que todos podáis seguir las clases perfectamente, eso parece).
1. First, you can check the sentences from Wednesday. Click here.
(Corrige las frases del día anterior)
2.Then, you are going to repeat the same exercise, but with new words. That is to practice a little more. Copy and translate the following sentences on your notebook.
(Y vamos a repetir otra serie, para practicar un poco más)
Thursday, May, 7th / Friday, May 8th 2020
1. Hay dos ordenadores en el estudio.
2. Hay un fantasma en el castillo.
3. Hay una ventana abierta en el salón.
4. Hay una gran cama en tu dormitorio.
5. Hay tres niños en la cocina.
6. Hay varios sillones junto a la chimenea.
We check them on next post.
(Las revisamos el próximo día. Buen trabajo.)
ENTRADA 17. Wednesday, May 6th 2020
Hello, everybody!! Welcome to a new English lesson.
Today we practice some grammar. Grammar??
On unit seven you learn "THERE IS /THERE ARE"
(En esta unidad aprenderéis a usar unas expresiones que en español significan HAY, lo que pasa es que en inglés se usa en singular y en plural)
There is a sofa /there's a sofa. (singular)
There are some armchairs. (plural)
(Hay un sofa. Hay unos sillones / hay algunos sillones.
1. Pay attention and work on your activity book, page 47. Click here.
(Tenlo en cuenta para hacer los ejercicios del activity-book).
Now you can check . click here.
(Revisa los ejercicios 1 y 2)
2. Now practice on your notebook. Copy and translate these sentences.
(Copia y traduce las siguientes frases en tu cuaderno)
Wednesday, May 6th 2020
1. Hay una chimenea en el salón.
2.Hay algunos armarios en la cocina.
3. Hay tres árboles en el jardín.
4. Hay un coche en la calle.
5. Hay unos libros en la estantería.
6. Hay una ducha en el baño.
7. Hay dos sillones en mi habitación.
3. We check the answer on next post. GOOD WORK!!!
(El próximo día os pondré las frases traducidas para que las comprobéis.) ¡¡BUEN TRABAJO!!
ENTRADA 16. Monday, May 4th 2020
Good morning, children. How are you today?
Happy, because we are on MAY!!!!
(Hoy todos estamos contentos porque empezamos el mes de Mayo, ¿a que sí?
Children from 4ºA missed the last lesson because there was no lesson last Friday. If you want, you can have a look. It's a songs revision.
(Los niñ@s de 4º A no han hecho la última clase porque el viernes fue festivo. Si queréis echar un vistazo, he puesto las canciones del curso para repasar)
Now, Welcome everybody. Today we start unit seven:"The castle".
1. Open your pupil's book on page 54 and listen to the "furniture rap" /fénicha rap/ CD1
(Escucha y repite las palabras nuevas sobre el mobiliario)
2. Look at the pictures. You copy the words on the right place. Click here-
(Escribe las palabras en su lugar)
3. Finally listen and sing the song. cd 2.
Copy it down on your notebook. Write perfectly, ok?
(Por último lee, canta y copia la canción en tu cuaderno, con buena letra).
Monday, May 4th 2020
ENTRADA 15. Thursday, April 30th
Good morning.
Today we are going to sing!!
Here you are the songs you have learned this year. Play, remember and sing.
1. School subjects. Click here.
2.Where are you going. Page 11. Click here.
3. Activity camp. Page 17. Click here.
4.The fair song. page 25. Click here.
5.Describing people. Page 31. Click here.
6.What do you do? Pag 37. Click here.
ENTRADA 14. Wednesday, April 29th 2020
Good morning, children. How are you today?
I'm very proud of you for the excellent work on unit 6.
(Estoy muy orgullosa de vosotros por lo bien que habéis trabajado el tema 6, enhorabuena a tod@s)
We are going to stop the ordinary lessons for a moment and watch a pair fo videos to review.
(Vamos a dejar por un momento las clases normales para ver un par de videos de repaso)
It's better if you watch the videos twice, you can catch more information. GOOD WORK.
Es mejor verlos un par de veces, así te enterarás de mucho más. BUEN TRABAJO.
ENTRADA 13. Monday, April 27th
Hello, children. Welcome to a new English lesson.
We start a new week, number 6!!
(Hoy empezamos la sexta semana de trabajo on-line)
Today you are going to make a test on unit six: "WHAT DO YOU DO? /ROUTINES
. So review your exercises first.
(Hoy vais a hacer un test sobre el tema 6, rutinas. Así que lo primero es repasar los ejercicios que ya has hecho).
There are four exercises. You can do them on your notebook, take a photo and send me back to check.
(Hay cuatro ejercicios que puedes hacer en el cuaderno y mandarme una foto para que yo los corrija).
Exercise one. Click here to listen.
Exercise two. Click here to listen.
Exercise three. Click here to listen.
Exercise four. Click here to listen.
ENTRADA 12. . Monday, 20th March 2020
Hello, childen. How are you today? Fine?
We start our fifth week working on-line.
Empezamos hoy nuestra quinta semana de trabajo on-line.
1. Today you are going to work on your activity book,
page 45 and page 46.
click here to listen to activity 16
click here to listen to activity 1, revision.
And now click here to check all the work.
2. And finish remembering the song from page 37 on your pupil's book. LISTEN CD39
ENTRADA 11-. Thursday 16th or Friday 17th of April 2020
Good morning. Welcome to a new English lesson.
Remember you are studying different jobs and routines in a day.
Today we work with the information about three special jobs:
astronauts, computer game designers and sports journalist.
1. Read again the texts on your pupil´s book, page42.
click here to listen
2. Now you open your notebook and translate these sentences.
(En el cuaderno copiar las siguientes frases y traducirlas con la ayuda del libro)
Thursday, April 16th 2020 or Friday April 17th 2020
1. Tim y su equipo diseñan juegos de ordenador
2. Los astronautas entrenan durante veinte meses.
3. Un periodista deportivo entrevista a los entrenadores en el estadio o en un estudio de televisión.
4. Los diseñadores informáticos piensan la historia ycrean las reglas del juego.
5. Los astronautas saben cómo pilotar un avión.
6. Los diseñadores de juegos trabajan en equipo y comprueban si el juego está libre de virus.
3. Finally check here. And review in a loud voice.
(Después de comprobar y corregir leerlo todo en voz alta).
Wednesday, April 15th 2020
Welcome back to English. I hope you are fine and ready to work.We start the third term.
(empezamos el tercer trimestre)
Are you ready? Yes!!
Today you learn some new vocabulary about three special jobs:
astronaut, computer game designer (diseñador de juegos de ordenador) and sports journalist. (periodista deportivo).
1. Open your pupil's book on page 42 and listen to the information about DIFFERENT JOBS.
click here to listen
Then you repeat in a loud voice.
2. Now copy this vocabulary list on your notebook and try to translate the words with the book.
(Copia el siguiente ejercicio en tu cuaderno y prueba a traducir las palabras con ayuda del libro)
Wednesday, April 15th 2020
Entrenar........................... personajes .........................
pilotar un avión ............... reglas del juego ...............
entrevistar ..................... simuladores de vuelo ..............
equipo ........................... periodista .................................
tanques submarinos....... eventos deportivos .............
comprobar ................... preparadores deportivos ...........
3. Finally check here.
ENTRADA 9. Thursday April 2nd / Friday April 3rd 2020
Hello!! Ready for a new English lesson? YES!!
Remember we have got Easter holiday, so we stop for a few days.
We come back on Tuesday 14th of April.
Today we practice JOBS (trabajos). It's very easy and interesting.
1. Pupil's book, page 41.
Listen to the jobs and repeat. cd49
Listen to the rap and play. cd50
Listen to "A dog's day". Read in a loud voice. cd52
2. Activity book, page 44.
Listen to activity 13 and number the pictures. cd 51.
Click here to check the answers.
3. Finally print the next page and write new vocabulary. You can stick the pictures on your notebook and write the name next to the picture. ( Si no puedes imprimir la ficha sólo copia el vocabulario en tu cuaderno)
cook astronaut firefighter teacher pilot police-officer
vet secretary nurse soldier doctor singer
ENTRADA 8. Wednesday April 1st 2020
Hello, how are you today? Let's work on the activity book.
It's very easy.
1. page 42.
Now listen for Activity 8.
2. PAGE 43.
Listen for activity 11.
3. Finally, check here the answers.
ENTRADA 7. Monday March 30th 2020
Good morning. Today's lesson is easy. Are you ready??
1. First: STICKERS!! Ask an adult to take the sticker-pages out of the activity-book.
(Pide a un adulto que saque las páginas de las pegatinas de un tirón)
Then work on pages 61, 62, 63 and 64. Finish all the units. Look at the pupil´s book for units 7 and 8.
2. Now work on your activity- book. Pages 40 and 41.
3. Check here the answers.
4. Time for the notebook.
Complete the summary about "THE QUIZ SHOW".
And copy it on your notebook. Check here.
ENTRADA 6. THURSDAY 26th / FRIDAY 27th, MARCH 25th 2020
Hello, everyone. Here's a new lesson. Today you practice your own dialogue. Let's go....
1. Read the dialogue "MY COUSIN MARK", in a loud voice, to review. (pupil's book, page 40).
2. Now use your notebook. Copy this information about "MY AUNTIE KATE". Then you can write a new dialogue.
NAME: Kate Simmons.
AGE: Thirty-three.
LIVE: Not in London but in Liverpool
JOB: nurse, she works in a hospital.
LEAVE HOME: 6 o'clock in the morning.
FINISH WORK: 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
COME BACK HOME: half past two.
Thursday, March 26th 2020 / Friday, March 27th 2020
3. When you finish, check here. And then practice again.
4. Finally, read again "THE QUIZ SHOW" to review. Bye!!
Good morning, children!! How are you today?
I want you to be good, practice some exercise, dance, sing, draw and paint, study, play, read, write, talk to your family.....
OK. Today's lesson we practice some more grammar. Ready?
1. FIRST, read again the information about AFIRMATIVE, NEGATIVE and INTERROGATIVE to remember the PRESENT SIMPLE.
2. Now open your notebook and do the next exercise, similar to the previous one. Click here.
(Hacer el siguiente ejercicio en el cuaderno, parecido al del día anterior, )
3. Finished? Now it's time to check. Click here to look at the correct answers.
4. Finally, listen, read and copy the dialogue about " MY COUSIN MARK". It's on the pupil's book, page 40.
Bye for now. Next post on Thursday ( 4ºB) or Friday (4ºA).
ENTRADA 4. MARCH, 23rd 2020
Hello, children!! How are you today? Ready to start a new week?
Ok. Today's lesson you practice grammar.
1. Review the vocabulary with your cards.
2. Open your pupil's book on page 40 and look at the yellow square.
3. Observa:
Vas a estudiar cómo se habla de EL ( HE) Y ELLA (SHE) sobre lo que hacen habitualmente.
En la forma AFIRMATIVA se añade una -s al final del verbo. Ej:
She meets a friend.
He goes to school.
She has a snack.
He goes for a walk.
En la forma NEGATIVA se pone doesn't (se pronuncia dasnt ). Ej:
He doesn't have a snack.
She doesn't talk on the phone.
He doesn't go to school.
Y en la forma INTERROGATIVA se empieza la frase con "Does..."
que se pronuncia das.... Ej.
Does she go to a friend's house? Yes, she does.
No, she doesn't.
Does he meet a friend? Yes, he does.
No, he doesn't.
4. Now read more examples and copy them in your notebook.
Use the colours to underline the sentences (GREEN, RED AND BLUE). CLICK HERE.
ENTRADA 3. MARCH, 20th 2020
Hello, eveyone!! How are you today? Bored??
Don't worry!! Think you are lucky to be safe at home.
1. Today you can check the sentences about THE QUIZ SHOW.
1. We've got three contestants.
2. Listen carefully!
3. Your prize is to be a firefighter for a day with your friends.
4. Can you take a photo?
5. Yeah!! Smile!
6. How do I look?
7. Great! I'm almost ready!
8. Watch out, Charlie! I'm coming!
9. It's too high. Let's ask the firefighter for help!
2. Now watch this video about how to buy tickets to visits a castle.
You review a shopping dialogue.
Thursday, March 19th 2020
Hello, everyone! How are you today? Fine?
Today we practice a story about a TV CONTEST. (concurso de TV)
1. So ready to listen to " THE QUIZ SHOW" on pages 38/39 in your
pupil's book. CD42.
2. Now listen again and repeat every sentence in a loud voice.
(escucha otra vez y repite cada frase en voz alta)
3. Time to write. Open your notebook. We copy the most important
sentences in Spanish and English too.
Thursday, March 19th 2020 / Friday, March 20th 2020
1. Tenemos tres concursante.
2. Escuchar atentamente.
3. Tu premio es ser bombero por un día con tus amigos.
4. ¿ Puedes hacernos una foto?
5. Sí, sonríe...
6. ¿Qué tal estoy?
7. Genial. Yo casi estoy lista.
8. ¡Cuidado, Charlie! ¡Ya voy!
9. Está demasiado alto. Vamos a pedir ayuda al bombero.
Today we start unit six "WHAT DO YOU DO?"
You are going to learn daily routines.
(Aprendereis a decir lo que se hace un día normal, las rutinas habituales)
1. salir de casa - leave home
2. ir al cole - go to school
3. tomar un aperitivo/ pincho - have a snack
4. habar por teléfono - talk on the phone
5. quedar con un amigo- meet a friend
6. ir a casa de un amigo- go to a friend's house
7 ir de paseo- go for a walk
8. volver a casa- come back home
(increíble que tengamos este tema ahora, eh)
( para escuchar los audios siempre hacer clic en el número del LISTEN
Today we start unit six "WHAT DO YOU DO?"
You are going to learn daily routines.
(Aprendereis a decir lo que se hace un día normal, las rutinas habituales)
1. salir de casa - leave home
2. ir al cole - go to school
3. tomar un aperitivo/ pincho - have a snack
4. habar por teléfono - talk on the phone
5. quedar con un amigo- meet a friend
6. ir a casa de un amigo- go to a friend's house
7 ir de paseo- go for a walk
8. volver a casa- come back home
(increíble que tengamos este tema ahora, eh)
( para escuchar los audios siempre hacer clic en el número del LISTEN
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